steam ahead

Innovators in Science

is an original science series that features experts in the science industry such as: astronauts Story Musgrave and Nicole Stott; submarine pilot and National Geographic Explorer, Erika Bergman; and planetary geologist, Dr. Adriana Ocampo. These leaders in science share their knowledge while also giving viewers a unique glimpse into their field of work.
telly bronze badge 2019The Tampa Bay Arts & Education Network was awarded a Silver Telly in the 38th Annual Telly Awards in 2017 for Innovators in Science. 

Sponsorship TagSponsorship opportiunuties are available for this program!
Please contact Jessica Sturges, TBAE's Director of Development for more information. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (813) 254-2253 ext. 702.