Veteran Strong
The pilot show episode premiered in 2019 with special host Brigadier General Lee Gray, US Army (Retired). VETERAN STRONG is a first of its kind community service and educational broadcast celebrating Veterans.
Goals & Benefits
- Increase awareness of the value that Veterans contribute to the thriving Tampa Bay business & civic community.
- Help identify and discuss important issues facing Veterans and share Veteran success stories.
- Build a strong following among the Veterans community and their friends.
- Recognize individuals and entities that support Veterans.
- Make Veterans aware of supporting opportunities on a timely basis.
- Provide organizations supporting Veterans a platform in which to share their mission with viewers.
- Gain national recognition for Tampa’s efforts to support Veterans by making these programs.
- TBAE has strong ties to the Veteran community and will market the show aggressively to the business and civic community, Veterans groups and local officials who are Veterans.
Sponsorship opportiunuties are available for this program! Please contact Jessica Sturges, TBAE's Director of Development for more information. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (813) 254-2253 ext. 702.